"A new season for Agricultural and Forestry education in Africa"

Project Background

Conditions contributing to food security and livelihood of the African population continue to deteriorate. Yet African universities, in general, and Agricultural and Forestry faculties in particular, are lagging behind in providing quality and relevant programs which can respond to the current and emerging needs of the labour market.

Recognising the challenges and opportunities ahead, the University of Dschang, the University of Ghana and the Federal University of Technology Akure collaborate with the University of Alicante and Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg to actively improve the standard of professional training as well as strengthen university management capacities.

Specifically, the project “European-African Network to improve HEIs in Agriculture and Forestry based on new labour market needs" (AFOLM) aims to enhance capacity of faculties in identifying the dynamic needs of the labour market and to effectively reflect these needs through an enhanced curriculum.

The project is a collaboration between:

ua.gif Universidad de Alicante Ghana.gif University of Ghana
Akure.jpg Federal University of Technology Akure Freiburg.gif Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
Dschand.gif University of Dschang (Cameroon)


logo EU logo EDULINK logo EDULINK AFOLM is a project co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Edulink Programme Last update: 2011-04-08 12:17:59